How Oxitrate will solve the new EU BAT regulations for wastewater treatment

New EU requirements for discharge of process water have consequences for Norwegian salmon slaughterhouses and fish reception.

- Fish receptions and slaughterhouses are covered by the Industrial Emissions Directive, which gives authority to set emission requirements. Approximately every six years, one looks at what new technology is available, which means that one normally sets lower limit values ​​for emissions. In December, the new values ​​come into force, says Henrik Stenwig. He is director of environment and health at Sjømat Norge. The requirements for salmon slaughterhouses and fish reception are the same, and mean that the process water must be cleaned before it is discharged. According to Stenwig, there are requirements for maximum concentrations in the water that is discharged.

- One does not assess the recipients' tolerance either, but sets requirements for maximum concentrations, says Stenwig.

In practice, this does not mean that small facilities that release relatively little water have easier cleaning requirements than large facilities.

In practice, there is also no distinction between whether the water is discharged into a narrow fjord, or into open waters, or whether you live alone or have many neighbors who also discharge process water.

Think they have a solution - Oxitrate Reuse.

The Oslo-based company Oxitrate believes that the solution to meet the new requirements can be their new container-based solution.

- We have developed a solution that will be able to separate out the components in the blood water, and which enables reuse of the process water, says product developer Tor Wauer in a message.

This spring, the company will start full-scale testing at West Marine AS (Formerly Sekkingstad AS) outside Bergen.

– The purified water can also be returned to the production line again, so that the water can be reused. We expect to be able to reuse up to 80 per cent of the fresh water from the slaughtering and filleting process, the company states.

Read the entire article in Intrafish here.

Get in touch for more information about Oxitrate Reuse.

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